Shillong, Ïaïong 24:
Ka lympung ïalehkai Chess ba la tip kum ka All India Public Sector Chess Tournament 2023 ba la pynïaid da ka All India Public Sector Sports Control Board ka la poi sha kaba kut ha ka Lah Sngi U Blei ha Pinewood, Shillong.
Ïa ka nam lahduh jong kane ka lympung ïalehkai ba lai sngi la rah da ka Life Insurance Corporation of India, katba ïa ka kyrdan ba-ar la ïoh da ka Reserve Bank of India bad ka Bank of Baroda ka la wan ha ka kyrdan balai.
Ha kane ka sngi la ïadon lang u Dr. B.D.R Tiwari (IAS) Commissioner & Secretary sha u Lat ka Jylla, ha ryngkat ka jingïadon lang u General Secretary ka All India Public Sector Sports Control Board u Gian Batra uba dei ruh u General Manager jong ka Airport Authority of India, kumjuh u Chairman ka Organising Committee u Rishi Kant Bangwal (Airport Director, Shillong), u Ramesh Sachdeva, Consultant jong ka All India Public Sector Sports Control Board bad u Puranjan Das, Chief General Manager ka State Convention Centre Shillong.
Kane ka dei ka sien kaba nyngkong eh ba la pynlong ïa kane ka lympung ha nongbah Shillong ha kaba la wan shim bynta da 10 tylli ki shlem treikam kiba nabar kum ka Bank of Baroda, Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd., Coal India Ltd., Central Warehousing Corporation, Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd., Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Life Insurance Corporation of India, Mazagon Duck Shipbuilders Ltd., Reserve Bank of India bad ka Union Bank of India.
Ïa ka nam Best Player of Board-A la ïoh da u Sri Ram Jha, Best Player of Board-B la ïoh da u Matta Vinay Kumar, Best Player of Board-C la ïoh da ka Kiran Manisha Mahanty, Best Player of Board-D ka leit sha ka Swati Ghate bad Best Player of Board-E la ïoh da u Mahender Mapri.
Lah ban pynkynmaw ba kane ka All India Public Sector Sports Control Board kaba la seng naduh u snem 1987, ka la ju pynlong ïa kiba bun ki jingïalehkai Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Carrom, Chess, Cricket, Football, Golf, Hockey, Kabaddi, Table Tennis bad ka Volleyball ha kylleng jong ka ri.